e-IRG Workshop – e-Infrastructures for Climate Change and Digital Transitions




  • Ana Afonso
  • Ana Proykova
  • Andrea Grimm
  • Andrea Herdegen
  • Andrea Lammert
  • Andrea Quintiliani
  • Andrea Scharnhorst
  • Andreas Dudler
  • Andrew Treloar
  • Aneta Karaivanova
  • Ann SEROR
  • Anna Cattani-Scholz
  • Anna Vosečková
  • Anton Frank
  • Antti Pursula
  • Ari Asmi
  • Beate Guba
  • Bob Jones
  • Carlos Casorran
  • Carole Paleco
  • Caroline Martin
  • chris DE LOOF
  • Christian Cuciniello
  • Christian Pagé
  • Christophe Blanchi
  • Claudio Dema
  • Claudio Pisa
  • Claus Weiland
  • Daan Broeder
  • Daniel Howard
  • David Heyns
  • Didier Moreau
  • Dieter Van Uytvanck
  • Dragana Radulovic
  • Dragoș-Cătălin Barbu
  • Edit Herczog
  • Eduard Jacob
  • Elana Araujo
  • Elis Vollmer
  • Eloy Rodrigues
  • Enzo Valente
  • Eva Pastorková
  • Ezequiel Cimadevilla
  • Fotis Karayannis
  • Franciska de Jong
  • Francoise Genova
  • Gabriele von Voigt
  • George Strawn
  • Gerard Coen
  • Giovanni Bracco
  • Gudmund Host
  • Guido Aben
  • Hannes Thiemann
  • Hans Eide
  • Herve Caumont
  • Ignacio Blanquer
  • Ilse Koning
  • Irina Kupiainen
  • Ivan Maric
  • Jan Růžička
  • Jan Wiebelitz
  • Janos Mohacsi
  • Jenny O'Neill
  • Jeremy Sharp
  • Joao Pagaime
  • Joao Pina
  • Joelma Almeida
  • John Howard
  • Jonas Kjøller-Rasmussen
  • Josva Kleist
  • João Ferreira
  • João Santos
  • Jurate De Prins
  • Justin Clark-Casey
  • József Györkös
  • Jörg Meyer
  • Karl Presser
  • Karsten Peters-von Gehlen
  • Lars Börjesson
  • Leonie Schäfer
  • Leonieke Mevius
  • Licinio Kustra Mano
  • Maggie Hellström
  • Marcus Walther
  • Margarida L.R. Liberato
  • Marie-Alice Foujols
  • Mariusz Sterzel
  • Marko Bonač
  • Marta Chinnici
  • Martin Hammitzsch
  • Massimo Celino
  • Mauro Campanella
  • Michael Maragakis
  • Miho Funamori
  • Mojca Kotar
  • Naomi Messing
  • Nenitha Dagslott
  • Nick Jones
  • Nuno Lopes
  • Omo Oaiya
  • Panos Argyrakis
  • Paola Nassisi
  • Paolo Budroni
  • Patrick Gorringe
  • Per Öster
  • Peter Broennimann
  • Peter Kacsuk
  • Peter Mutschke
  • Peter Sterle
  • Peter Van Daele
  • Petru Bogatencov
  • Philippe Segers
  • Ramaz Kvatadze
  • Roberto Barbera
  • Rosette Vandenbroucke
  • Sabina Anderberg
  • Sandro Fiore
  • Sarah Jones
  • Sergiy Svistunov
  • Sharif Islam
  • Sheida Hadavi
  • Simon Hodson
  • Simon Lambert
  • Sophie Servan
  • Stacey Sörensen
  • Stathes Hadjiefthymiades
  • Stefano Salon
  • Stelios Sartzetakis
  • Stephan Kindermann
  • Susana Caetano
  • Sverker Holmgren
  • Tarlan Ahmadov
  • Tiiu Tarkpea
  • Tobias Kerzenmacher
  • Todor Gurov
  • Toivo Räim
  • Tommi Suominen
  • Tor Bloch
  • Tudor Pitulac
  • Ulrike Jaekel
  • Valeria Fanti
  • Victor Castelo
  • Volker Beckmann
  • Volodymyr Nochvai
  • Wim Hugo
  • Yuri Demchenko
  • Zhengdong SHI
  • Zoran Bekić
    • 2:00 PM 4:30 PM
      Session 1 - EOSC and data interoperability

      The first session of the e-IRG Workshop under Portuguese EU Presidency introduces the topic of FAIR Digital Objects (FDOs), which bring together all essential information about a digital object (data, code or other research output) in one logical entity. A key element of an FDO besides its representation of its encoded content in a standard format and its sufficient metadata and documentation is a Persistent Identifier (PID), which enables unique and persistent identification and supports referencing, linking, tracing and reusability. The session will address the need for an EU-wide service for Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) for all researchers and their stable repositories. Furthermore, there is a need for a semantic mapping framework as addition to the FAIR landscape of semantic artefacts to reap the full benefits of FAIR data. Such e-Infrastructure elements are vital to achieve stability, interoperability and sustainability of the digital objects space in the current fragmented landscape, and to be able to support data traceability, trust, and sovereignty. Thus, there is a need for a “by-design” approach and coordination on these e-infrastructures elements.

      Moderator: Maria-Luisa Lavitrano (UNIMIB, EOSC Association director)

      • 2:00 PM
        Opening and Welcome 10m

        • Paolo Budroni (e-IRG chair)
        • João Pagaime (Portuguese e-IRG delegate)
        • Paulo Quaresma (FCT board member)

        Moderator: Maria-Luisa Lavitrano (UNIMIB, EOSC Association director)

        Speakers: Joao Pagaime, Maria-Luisa Lavitrano (Moderator), Paolo Budroni (e-IRG Chair), Paulo Quaresma (FCT board member)
      • 2:10 PM
        Europe’s Recovery leveraged by climate and digital transitions 20m

        Towards an Integrated and Interoperable Data Domain at the example of Climate Research

        Speaker: Peter Wittenburg (Max Planck Data Facility, RDA, EUDAT)
      • 2:30 PM
        Demo 20m

        Demo, which will include a few data centers in EU and US to show the potential of FDOs and demonstrate that DOIP is useful indeed as a generic interface (comparable to TCP/IP).

      • 2:50 PM
        PID architecture for the EOSC 20m

        Report from the EOSC Executive Board Working Group (WG) Architecture PID Task Force (TF).
        Main messages:
        1) There is a need for easy-to-use and free at-point-of-use services to assign PIDs to digital objects
        2) These digital objects are of many different kinds (data & metadata, instruments, physical samples, variable definitions, ..) and while there are many commonalities, there will be a need for dedicated services
        3) Different research disciplines will want to leverage different parts of the “PID service ecosystem” – giving opportunities for innovation and tools building also for SMEs etc.

        Speaker: Maggie Hellström (Lund University)
      • 3:10 PM
        The Semantic Mapping Framework (SEMAF) initiative 20m

        Science for a large part based on measuring and describing phenomena using schemas and concepts that are often discipline-specific. For Open Science, sharing and transparency these schemas and concept/vocabulary definitions need to be as FAIR (open registries) as the data itself. When integrating data from different communities – also mappings are required. Spending many resources & time on deep ontological work does not make sense. Mapping needs to be driven by concrete data cases and purposes only a pragmatic approach will help researchers already do this, but mappings are hidden in texts, software, spreadsheets, etc. thus, they are not explicit, reusable (not FAIR). Therefore a flexible Semantic Mapping Framework which should be FAIR and persistent (it includes part of our scientific knowledge to be captured).
        Flexible pragmatic Semantic Mapping is essential for semantic interoperability, within disciples and between disciplines. Semantic mappings are everywhere in data and metadata are part of our scientific knowledge, processes and key for reproducibility need to become FAIR and need to be stored, shared and managed.

        SEMAF proposal essentials:
        Invest in a framework with as basis an open registry specification, an API and a reference implementation to create interoperability
        Invest in smart tools created by smart young developers that make use of specs and offer high usability
        SEMAF integrated in EOSC for sustainability and governance

        SEMAF requirements and construction proposal available in the final report at http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4651421

        Speaker: Daan Broeder (CLARIN ERIC)
      • 3:30 PM
        Q&A 30m
      • 4:00 PM
        Wrap-up 10m
    • 10:00 AM 12:30 PM
      Session 2 - Addressing climate change - the digital aspects

      The session deals with the growing importance of e-Infrastructures for the society and in particular for climate change. On one hand, the digital infrastructures with their computing power and simulations are contributing to better understanding the climate future, and also facilitate tools to fight and reduce some of its effects, such as wildfires that caused unprecedented damages in Australia, California and Siberia. On the other hand, e-Infrastructures have a significant carbon footprint and thus Green IT and energy efficient data centres are thus of particular importance.

      Moderator: Irina Kupiainen (CSC)

      • 10:00 AM
        Opening and Welcome 10m

        • Paolo Budroni (e-IRG chair)
        • João Pagaime (Portuguese e-IRG delegate)
        • Paulo Quaresma (FCT board member)

        Moderator: Irina Kupiainen (CSC – IT Center for Science Ltd.)

        Speakers: Irina Kupiainen (Moderator), Joao Pagaime, Paolo Budroni (e-IRG Chair), Paulo Quaresma (FCT board member)
      • 10:10 AM
        Chalmers implementation of the e-Infrastructure Commons 30m

        Chalmers e-Commons is a recently initiated university-wide initiative to further empower researchers and innovators at Chalmers University (Sweden) by providing support and collaborative projects for the full range of digital aspects of research. Building on several earlier efforts and a top-level strategic decision, e-Commons will provide an expert hub and integrated entry point for researchers and innovators.

        The activities of Chalmers e-Commons are based on a data-centric perspective, covering all phases of the research data life-cycle, from planning, management and large-scale computing/analysis in active projects, to long-term preservation, data sharing and data publishing. e-Commons also provides and facilitates access to a span of local, national and international e-Infrastructure resources for large-scale computing and data storage/management. Here, e-Commons coordinates Chalmers participation in national e-Infrastructures such as SNIC and SND as well as in European initiatives like EOSC and access to computing resources in EuroHPC.

        A main goal of e-Commons is to host a vibrant community of Digital Research Engineers and Data Champions, collaborating with researchers, research initiatives and research infrastructures to advance research and innovation in all areas at Chalmers. Complementing the Digital Research Engineers, e-Commons also hosts a group of computer system experts, developing, building and managing the local e-infrastructure resources for large-scale computing and data storage and providing user support.

        Speaker: Sverker Holmgren (Chalmers University of Technology Country)
      • 10:40 AM
        The Green IT aspects of Supercomputing 20m

        Update on supercomputer CSCS in Lugano Switzerland and their policies for lowering computing costs and a lighter carbon footprint. A potential European strategy for lowering cost and carbon footprint will also be proposed.

        CSCS provides the supercomputers and expertise that help keep Swiss science at the forefront of development worldwide. Supercomputers are the tools of today’s inventors. With them, researchers can demonstrate science that was never possible with theory and experimentation alone.

        The centre operates the very latest supercomputers and works with the world’s leading computing centers and hardware manufacturers. This enables the centre to be the driving force behind innovation in computational research in Switzerland: the very latest computer architecture helps to ensure that users’ codes run quickly so they can focus more on their scientific results.

        CSCS houses a diverse pool of supercomputers and these are dedicated to national and custom services. The supercomputers are in the machine room, which measures 2000 square meters with no single supporting pillar or any partitioning; this all to minimize restrictions to the installation and operation of supercomputers in the future.

        Speaker: Thomas Schulthess (CSCS, Switzerland)
      • 11:00 AM
        The European FIre Integrated management plAtform EFIIA 20m

        The EFIIA ("intelligence" in Greek) platform introduces an ecosystem for the holistic management of forest fires. This ecosystem brings together domain experts and technological advances in an effort to address the three important pillars of fire management: i.e. i) Prevention and preparedness, ii) Detection and Response iii) Restoration and Adaptation.

        Therefore, EFIIA aims to address the complex problem of dealing with forest fires by employing state of the art technologies that interconnect and interoperate assisting in the three faces of a fire management incident.

        Speaker: Stathes Hadjiefthymiades (University of Athens, Coordinator of EFIIA)
      • 11:20 AM
        Climate change and forest fires - the Portuguese case 20m

        Forest fires can be seen as endemic in Portugal and climate scenarios show that conditions will favor forest fires in the country. Policies, prevention and firefighting need to cope with future changes. Digital tools, like the ones proposed in the European FIre Integrated management plAtform (EFIIA platform) or in the Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere - IPMA’s climate portal, will contribute to mitigate these future hazards.

        Speaker: Nuno Lopes (Instituto do Mar e Atmosfera, (IPMA) Portugal)
      • 11:40 AM
        EMODnet: Open Source Marine Data, Digital Products and Services for Europe and beyond 20m
        Speaker: Patrick Gorringe (SMHI, EMODnet Physics)
      • 12:00 PM
        Q&A 20m
      • 12:20 PM
        Wrap-up 10m
    • 12:30 PM 2:00 PM
      --- Lunch break --- (End of morning Session 2) 1h 30m
    • 2:00 PM 4:30 PM
      Session 3 - Going beyond: How policies can shape the development of research infrastructure facilitating data sovereignty, innovation and cultural change

      Currently the development of research infrastructures including e-Infrastructures is widely driven by direct demand or interests, rather than strategic planning. In the face of the upcoming effects of climate change and other grand challenges it is needed to have a more strategic approach to layout the European Research Area to be able to answer upcoming challenges. The use of data is central and crucial in this approach. The workshop session aims to provide a foresight discussion addressing the data aspect from different angles; the technical prospect, the funders perspective and the aspect of human centricity in all of that.

      Moderator: Konstantinos Repanas (EC, DG Research & Innovation Unit A.4 – Open Science)

      • 2:00 PM
        Opening and Welcome 10m

        • Paolo Budroni (e-IRG chair)
        • João Pagaime (Portuguese e-IRG delegate)
        • Paulo Quaresma (FCT board member)

        Moderator: Konstantinos Repanas (EC, DG Research & Innovation Unit G.4 – Open Science)

        Speakers: Joao Pagaime, Konstantinos Repanas (Moderator), Paolo Budroni (e-IRG Chair), Paulo Quaresma (FCT board member)
      • 2:10 PM
        Ideas for future developments in e-Infrastructure on technical, policy and social aspects. 1h 40m

        Three contributors will provide ideas for future developments in the realm of e-Infrastructure on technical, policy and social aspects to stimulate a discussion with the audience.

        Speakers: Franciska de Jong, George Strawn , József Györkös
      • 3:50 PM
        Q&A 25m
      • 4:15 PM
        Wrap-up 15m